The A to Z of Lab Grown Diamonds Color

Lab Grown Diamonds color

Here, you will get enlightened about one of the most important criteria for buying diamonds. Color makes up one of the 4Cs of lab-grown diamond grading so anyone intending to buy diamonds should internalize this A to Z of Lab Grown Diamonds color guide.

Basic information you should first know is that Lab grown diamonds come in different colors and often that will determine how valuable they are. Most buyers do not like Lab grown diamonds color with a brown or yellow tint.

The more the color of the diamond resembles clear water from a tap, the higher its value. With this knowledge, some buyers will decide to take a slightly yellow or brown LGD because they realize they can pay less.

Whether a diamond was created naturally over several years or quickly in a lab, there is a chance it will not be purely colorless and that is why there is a grading system you will learn about and which grade you should choose.

4 Color Facts to Always Recall When Buying LGD

  • A professional gemologist is the only one who can confirm the color grade of a diamond
  • What you pay for the diamond is determined in part by its color
  • If metal is attached to the lab-grown diamond it will affect its color
  • Colorless diamonds are graded differently from pink, blue and yellow

Get to Know as-grown Diamonds

Here is a phrase of significant importance when buying lab-grown diamonds. Often, this can determine the level of purity of the gem.

As-Grown diamonds are created using a process similar to what natural diamonds go through. It is called High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT). 

In most cases, this will result in colorless diamonds.

When you are looking through the certificate for the diamonds you want to buy, search for the phrase as-grown diamonds or HPHT

The opposite of these would be Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) this is an alternative process to create lab-grown diamonds and most of the time it will result in brownish or yellowish diamonds.

CVD diamonds however can undergo treatment that will make them look brighter. This is a process called post-growth treatment.

But, as you buy LGD, do not get cheated by having to pay more for CVD that are being passed off as as-grown diamonds. The certificate should indicate which of the 2 they are. 

Color Tint in Lab-Grown Diamonds

It may surprise you to discover that almost all diamonds have a tint. However, the higher grade LGD do not have tints visible to the naked eye. During the process of HPHT, a chemical agent called Boron gets trapped within the gem and this can give the blue tint within LGD. However, you will not easily see that tint unless you are a trained eye.

Meanwhile, the process of CVD often results in nitrogen getting trapped in the stone and that presents a yellow tint.

Now, Lab Grown Diamonds are graded based on the tint they possess. Knowing about that tint can help you negotiate a good price for your gem. These are the different Grades.

Colorless: These lab-grown diamonds are the highest grade of diamonds. Grade D is the supreme grade. Here, the diamond has absolutely no tint even when inspected under bright light or when magnified. Closely graded in the colorless category are grades E and F. to an ordinary person there may seem like there is no difference between all 3 grades. Gemologists however can use a magnifying glass to identify the differences.

Nearly Colorless: These LGD are graded as G to J. To the naked eye, they may appear colorless but a closer examination can reveal the blue or yellowish tint in them. Within this category, G to H grades are far superior to I and J. The inferior grade can show a mild tint in certain lights when viewed with the naked eye in comparison with G and H which will need professional scrutiny to reveal the tint. HPHT diamonds will look more colorless than CVD.

Faint Tint: This includes diamonds in the K to M grade. There is a hint of color within them even when you do not look so critically at them. In some cases, people prefer these diamonds because the faint tint gives them a unique look. They may be referred to as having a warm gold look that appeals to the eye.

Very Light Tint: This grade is from N to R. Most experts will discourage you from buying such diamonds. The yellow or brown is pronounced and you would easily notice it. However, if you are on a tight budget it likely will be something you can afford and pass off as a colored diamond among people who do not know much about grades and colors.

Light Tint: They make up the lowest grade of diamonds with what may be mistaken for colored diamonds. They range from S to Z. You can differentiate them from the fancy colored diamonds by their price. They usually are very cheap.

Fancy Colored Diamonds

The entire guide before this, applied to white lab-grown diamonds. With them, tint or color is a bad thing. However, when we talk of colored diamonds or fancy colored diamonds, it gets a bit different.

Fancy-colored diamonds come in several colors. You could have red, pink, brown, blue, green, and even black. In fact, the most expensive diamond ever sold is a colored diamond. It is called the Hope Diamond and it has a grayish blue color. 45.52 carats is its weight.

Brown and yellow lab-grown diamonds are the most common lab-grown diamonds, while purple, orange and green are rare.

In nature, Lab grown color diamonds are hard to find and when they are found, they sell for millions of dollars. The great news from the labs, however, is that colored diamonds can be grown and made more readily available.

Tips on Buying Lab Grown Diamonds

  • White diamonds should be colorless or nearly colorless
  • The best grades to consider are D to H
  • The more visible the tint in white diamonds, the lower the price
  • You will have to look at the IGI certification to know if the diamond is HPHT or CVD
  • Involve a gemologist to confirm the grade of the diamond
  • Colored diamonds are different from white diamonds
  • Pink, green, red, and blue are great colors for colored diamonds

Now you know the A to Z lab-grown diamond’s color. The best place to get variety and good pricing is LGD Trade. You will find genuine lab-grown diamonds to suit different budgets.

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